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Authentic8 Silo labeled High Performer on G2

G2 released its Summer 2020 reports, and — based on verified Authentic8 customer reviews — Silo is now considered a High Performer in the…

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OSINT tip: how to analyze Exif data

Intelligence analysts, law enforcement, legal investigators, and investigative journalists all analyze metadata stored with digital images…

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Identity gateways ❤️ web isolation: The perfect marriage for Zero Trust access

In my previous post, I discussed the adoption of Zero Trust/SASE architectures to address the new risks associated with a decentralized…

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The billion-dollar security blanket: a feelgood fallacy

Global cybersecurity spending is approaching $200 billion per year, "without actually preventing advanced persistent threats, ransomware,…

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Social media: How to quickly investigate on TikTok

"How can I safely access TikTok content without downloading the app on my phone?" is a question we frequently get. Here are a few tips on…

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Quick guide: how to use Shodan

You may have heard about Shodan on the evening news — as the webcam search engine of choice for creeps and criminals. What doesn'…

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Remote work: Bad cybersecurity advice galore

Talk is cheap, and web advice is plenty and free on how to secure your IT and digital assets when employees work from home, due to the…

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Zero trust implementations: Are you still too trusting?

The security industry has been talking about the need for new security architectures for years. Are organizations finally listening?…

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DOD: Mission execution from home

Authentic8 has announced the immediate availability of enhanced CAC/PIV card capabilities with Zero Trust Application Access for remote…

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The Dark Web

Online research seeks to leave no stone unturned. Yet many researchers are hesitant — or not allowed — to explore the dark web. Our series explores the basics of the dark web and how to safely leverage it for a range of investigations in a way that protects researchers and their organizations. 

Understanding the dark web and how it can aid your investigation

3 things to consider before you start your dark web investigation

Essential tools for improving surface and dark web research

Best practices for creating a dark web access policy

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