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Silhouetted men sitting around table in a dark room representing sanctioned entities to unmask with OSINT

Using OSINT to identify sanctioned entities

A patchwork of enforcement bodies, evasion by targeted entities and the volume of information can make understanding who is subject to…

artist's interpretation of data breach with open digitized lock

Mitigating data breaches with OSINT techniques

OSINT is an indispensable tool to identify weaknesses within your organization to mitigate data breaches and uncover leaked data before bad…

Police vehicle driving down a colorfully lit street representing OSINT law enforcement investigation

Overcoming roadblocks for using OSINT in law enforcement investigations

OSINT plays a large role in closing criminal investigations, but it’s still underutilized in law enforcement. We look at key challenges and…

Image: a computer screen with code executing malware

Cybersecurity news roundup: ZeroFont, chatbot malvertising and a WebP zero-day

We’ve gathered the latest news on threats, malicious technology and cybersecurity advancements you need to know.

artist's rendering of a nuclear explosion

OSINT news roundup: zero trust, nuclear intel and winning the info war

Stay up to date with the latest OSINT news from around the world.

Police officer with sunglasses staring at technological screens

What is OSINT? A definitive guide for law enforcement

What is OSINT, and what techniques from it do law enforcement investigators need to understand?

Small person inside of a head using a fishing rod to grab a lightbulb from another person's head

OSINT for brand protection: Tools and investigative strategies

Step-by-step instructions for using open-source data for protecting brand and intellectual property.

Passenger handing off passport and other legal documents in border security check

Revolutionizing border security: harnessing the power of AI and OSINT

In an increasingly interconnected world, the challenges associated with border security have grown more intricate. The need to facilitate…

A man stands in a crowd in a Russian street, his face obscured in a computer monitor representing managed attribution

What is managed attribution, and how does it improve online investigation?

While many OSINT researchers recognize the need to avoid tipping off their targets, they're still fuzzy on the specifics of managed…

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The Dark Web

Online research seeks to leave no stone unturned. Yet many researchers are hesitant — or not allowed — to explore the dark web. Our series explores the basics of the dark web and how to safely leverage it for a range of investigations in a way that protects researchers and their organizations. 

Understanding the dark web and how it can aid your investigation

3 things to consider before you start your dark web investigation

Essential tools for improving surface and dark web research

Best practices for creating a dark web access policy

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